Fermented oyster sauce (FOS) was prepared with 25% NaCl (w/w) at 20 °C with different fermentation periods. Biochemical changes during the fermentation were investigated. Results revealed that, during fermentation, protein contents were increased whereas carbohydrate contents were decreased. Amino acid composition showed that the contents of aspartic acid, lysine, glutamic acid, glycine and alanine were higher than other amino acids. Free amino acid contents of FOS fluctuated during the fermentation period but most of the free amino acids increased. Particularly, the contents of taurine, glutamic acid, lysine, glycine and alanine were high, which may contribute to the taste and flavour of FOS.
Keywords: Oyster sauce; Amino acids; Fermentation; Chemical composition

Perubahan Asam Amino pada Saus Tiram Fermentasi selama Periode Fermentasi yang Berbeda

Saus Tiram Fermentasi (STF) dibuat dengan campuran garam 25 % (w/w) pada suhu 20 °C dengan periode fermentasi yang berbeda. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa, selama proses fermentasi, kandungan protein meningkat, sedang kandungan karbohidrat menurun. Komposisi asam amino menunjukkan bahwa kandungan asam aspartat, lysin, asam glutamat, glysin dan alanin lebih tinggi dibandingkan asam amino lainnya. Kandungan asam amino bebas dari STF berfluktuasi selama proses fermentasi, tetapi kebanyakan kandungan asam amino bebas tersebut meningkat. Terutama kandungan taurin, asam glutamat, lysin, glicin dan alanin, yang mana mungkin menambah rasa dan aroma dari STF.
Kata Kunci: Saus tiram; Asam amino; Fermentasi; Komposisi kimia