The objective of this research was to study the effect of piper betle leaves extract towards shelf-life of red nile fillet during chill temperature storage. Research preparation was conducted with: soaking all red nile fillets in extract solution for one minute, draining soaked fillets for 15 minutes, wrapping with aluminum foil and storing in chill temperature (5°C) for 12 days. The research arranged in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications for each treatment. The treatments were control (0%), 0,05% extract, 0,5% extract and 5% extract. The observations were conducted on 0, 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th day. The effectiveness of the extract was examined for its antimicrobial activity using Total Plate Count (TPC), Total Volatile Bases (TVB), pH and water content. The effect of the extract towards consumer acceptance was examined using scalar hedonic test.
The shelf-life of each treatment based on the TPC test results were: 3,6 days for 0% extract, 4,7 days for 0,05% extract, 5,6 days for 0,5% extract and 7,2 days for 5% extract. Based on hedonic test, 0% extract was generally defined as “like”, 0,05% extract as “like mildly”, 0,5% extract as “neutral” and 5% extract as “dislike mildly”. Based on the TPC test result in comparison with hedonic test result, 0,5% extract had the longest shelf-life that still accepted by the panelists.
Key words: Betel leaves extract, red nile fillet, chill temperature storage.